Entries in hitogata happa (2)


Rockin' Android Lands on OnLive! 

If somehow you frequent this site and you don't have a PS3 or you have a computer running on Windows ME or below but you happen to have access to OnLive's Cloud Gaming service and you want some great shooting action, then it's a good time to be you. 

On November 9th, OnLive users now have access to the great Gundemonium Collection as part of the subscription's unlimited play category, with the possibility of more games coming in the future. Just in case you've forgotten, here's what I thought of the collection. 

 Make sure to check out Gundemonium Collection on OnLive if you'e subscribed! 

Click to read more ...


Gundemonium Collection Review (PSN) -- Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 50 

In the landmark Episode 50 (!!) of Bullet Heaven, we dive into the Gundemonium Collection for PS3. In the past, I dismissed these game because of lackluster sound, but upon closer inspection...
As always, questions and comments are not only welcome, but recommended! Here's to 50 more episodes!