n the Indie Megabooth at PAX Prime 2012, we looked at Yatagarasu, an indie-produced fighting game with some pretty intense developer pedigree. Now, I'm not nearly the best VS. Fighter by local standards - hell, not even by household standards—but Yatagarasu, even in its early form at PAX Prime 2012, was balanced enough that I could take on and defeat all comers.
Yatagarasu has come a long way since then, and has been released to Steam by Nyu-Media as Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm. As a pretty big fan of the King of Fighters series, of course I was jazzed to get into the action, given its ex-SNK/KoF staff and similar character sprite work. But how has it held up?
Not especially well, I'm afraid to report. But more on that in a moment. There's still lots to like about Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm, as we'll see. Primarily, your typical, standard modes apply here; Arcade, Story Arcade, Versus, Network Versus, Training and a bevy of options from online to local, control to difficulty, replays, ranks and everything in between. The level of customizability in Yatagarasu :AoC is pretty impressive, and allows players to really fine-tune their experience with a bit of technical know-how.
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