Entries in Hotline Miami (2)


QCF: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

o matter what your standpoint on the matter is, it’s a fact that’s commonly accepted by a majority of modern society; violence is a part of life. Now when it comes to how people come to terms with this is an entirely different story, but I always found the concept of depictions that revel in graphically glorifying it as a point of illustration to be interesting; especially when it worked.

The argument on whether or not the gory aggression worked for Hotline Miami 2 though is a bit muddled, because when it works—it works.

And when it doesn’t, the title rings a bit hollow with a reverberation of pretension.

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PPR Presents Indiedrome: Episode 3: Too Many Bundles!

his week on Indiedrome, Matt and Stevie talk about the saturation of independent game bundles that populate the web on a daily basis and how it affects the independent games market. Also, Matt shares his love of Russell Brand, Stevie shares his love of Hotline Miami, and both are bewildered at the concept of what a quote unquote “spoiler” is.

Make sure to keep a look out on iTunes as one of the first of many feeds Indiedrome will be appearing on in the near future and as always, don't forget to save your game.

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