Entries in Idea Factory (2)


QCF: Megadimension Neptunia VII 

t was really all just a matter of time. After a long run between the PlayStation 3, Vita and Steam with a huge array of games, versions, re-releases and spinoffs well into the double-digits, Idea Factory's Hyperdimension Neptunia series has finally made its way to the PlayStation 4 for a new generation with Megadimension Neptunia VII (pronounced V-2). I've been around the block with a huge number of these games, so I was ready for a game that was more or less par for the course.

But is it; in a word, no—quite the opposite in fact.

Megadimension Neptunia has evolved the series into something pretty special actually. New cast members, new gameplay mechanics, a more manageable difficulty and a fun plot contribute to what I have to say is the best Neptunia game there is to date. How could this be? Let's take a deeper look.

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QCF: Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed

t’s time for round 5! So far, the Hyerdimension Neptunia series has seen five releases to the PS Vita in the last year; some great (Hyperdevotion Noire), others plainly bad (Hyperdimension Neptunia Producing Perfection) and others that are admittedly more than passable (Rebirth 1 and 2). Hyperdimension Neptunia U shakes up the series with yet another new genre to add to the series' repertoire; the 3D brawler, Well, almost.

As with all of the other entries in the Neptunia series, RPG elements are rife within Neptunia U's gameplay. In Neptunia U, Neptune and the gang are being followed around by journalists Dengekiko and Famitsu (based off real-world publications) looking to cover the girls' exploits as they take on quests posted by the denizens of Gamindusri. What adventures await the girls this time?

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