Entries in Injustice (2)


QCF: Injustice 2

f you told me five years ago that the same people behind Mortal Kombat were working on a fighting game based on the DC universe of comic book characters and that it was going to be one of the best fighting games of the modern era, I would have done more than just scoff at your claim. Clichéd reflections of hindsight aside though, Injustice ballooned into being one of the finest examples of a fighting game that’s been done in years, which left behind a much harder question to answer; would NetherRealm be able to top what they’ve done with Injustice in its the next installment?

Injustice 2 is a resounding yes to that question, as it takes everything that made its predecessor so captivating, and improves upon it in every way, in every sentiment of the word.

The idea of incorporating a license that thrives on heavy fan service and character driven narratives like the DC Universe, into a fighting game is no easy task, and yet NetherRealm managed to craft a follow-up plot to the Injustice universe that fleshes out its world into something more than just some flashy Elseworlds story.

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QCF: Injustice: Gods among us

onathan and Martha Kent knew they had their hands full. The moment they discovered a baby aboard an alien spaced pod that crashed into their cornfield on that fateful day years ago, their parenting and the legacy of Jor-El’s omnipresent recordings have instilled the morals and virtue that helped mold Clark Kent into the strongest keeper of justice the galaxy has ever known—but what if that wasn’t enough?

Superman may arguably be the most powerful being in the universe, but ironically he’s also the most human, and with those distinctions comes its limits. NetherRealm Studios aims to explore what happens when the last son of Krypton is pushed beyond his last limit in Injustice: God among Us.

DC vets Palmiotti, Gray, and the rest of the label work in collaboration with Mortal Kombat creators to continue the streak of good luck that the comic book license has seen in games by producing the ultimate comic book fantasy from the DC universe, and deliver it in a solid game at the same time. After some time to indulge the title, both the DC fanboy and the video game player inside of me left their room, got together, and happily shook hands with one another as they spent the afternoon having a solid romp with an experience that created the all too coveted common ground they have been searching for.

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