Entries in Legend of Zelda (13)


QCF: Evoland

amers are a fickle bunch, and while I understand that I’m posing an opinionated statement as fact, the evidence that supports the conclusion isn’t just some common consensus that you can argue, it’s reality. Keeping that in mind, when a game pays some sort of tribute or homage to some bit of allusion in video game culture that only a gamer would recognize then the odds have always shown the reference to be a surefire hit among players as a standout moment within the game. Whether it’s shameless and shallow or well thought out and brilliant, the love letter mechanic has always been met with open reception. Still, how well does the concept pan out when the game is entirely built around it?

Shiro Games aims for the stakes with Evoland, a literal portrayal of the growth in adventure video games from the late eighties to the present. While the gimmick is heartwarming and will appeal to an audience in some capacity, it barely stands to prop up a game that can’t competently stand on its own otherwise.

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PPR Games Club: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

hat happens when you’re reintroduced to a classic and like a fine wine, it ages to perfection with every visit you pat it. We’ve all traveled to Hyrule several times, but this particular instance will leave you coming back for more and we talk about why in our latest Games Club; The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. We dissect the game in every way and soon, we’ll be releasing some companion video for the very first time to this latest club so be sure to stay tuned for that.

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Also, see the sights and hear the sounds of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past with commentary from the PPR Crew! More to come!

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Kenna Warsinske: The woman who modded The Legend of Zelda

hen hobbyist animator and feminist Kenna Warsinske made changes to The Legend of Zelda, she’s willing to admit it was because she simply wanted to. She wanted Princess Zelda to play with power, and she wanted others to experience the impact for themselves.

“There’s no one to stop me from eating candy before bed and there’s nothing standing in the way of me creating the games I want to play,” Kenna Warsinske noted on her blog days before her Zelda starring Zelda mod exploded around the internet.

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Life Through the Pixel Glass: Link's Awakening Minecraft

Welcome one and all to the newest feature hitting Press Pause Radio. It’s been a long time coming, but I, Catie, the squid-loving, Camaro-stalking, sailor-mouth squawking transformer of the internet present “Life through the Pixel Glass,” or LTPG for short. My goal with this feature is to shine some light on the finer displays of artworks or music influenced by the video game culture. Whether it's a re-imagined creation, or muse of entirely new material, you’ll find me posting about it right here. With that said…

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Looking Back: The Legend of Zelda Reflections


Reviewing a classic like The Legend of Zelda can be difficult, mostly because everyone and their mother already played it. It’s really no different than a seasoned movie critic reviewing Gone with the Wind or Citizen Kane in front of a group of enthusiasts, who memorized these movies and their offerings when they were still in diapers. But like any experience, there are still points and reflections that can be made about them -- even if they might seem redundant to some.

In an effort to point out more tedious and painful moments in a seemingly perfect game, here are some thoughts that crossed my mind as I was enjoying the original Zelda (for the umpteenth time) on the 3DS.

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