Entries in Life is Strange (7)


QCF: Life is Strange: Episode 5: Polarized

 guess that Ian Malcom, the Chaos Theorist of Jurassic Park said it best when he quipped at another character within the story, John Hammond, that Life, uhhhh, finds a way…

In the context of that story, this philosophy was used as a McGuffin to introduce tension. Tension that would lead the game through a series of events that steered the plot towards it’s tragic turn within the penultimate chapter of this harrowing youth drama.

The subtitle “Polarized” most certainly lives up to its name, this entry will test your emotional constitution more than any other interactive experience would ever dare to.

I’m not going to pull any punches here; the last episode walked a thin tight rope of taste when it came its depiction of disturbingly dark subject matter, so it was only a matter of time before the Finale would fail to discern the line between what’s enthralling, and what’s just plain disgusting.

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PPR 97

ey guys, it’s been a while, miss us? Because gorgeous ghosts, did we sure miss you all! We’re back, and hopefully now on a more regular recording schedule, so make sure you guys keep an eye on your feeds and subscriptions for the newest episodes to come out more often.

On that note, this episode was supposed to be about our most anticipated Holiday releases, but we got so wrapped with the volume of games we’ve been playing, and the catching up between us all that we just didn’t have the time to get into it—maybe next year.

Until then we talk Overkill and Payday 2, PS Vita, Steam Controller, Super Mario Maker, about McDonald’s being gross, The Taken King, Halo 5, Transformers: Devastation, John Cena’s theme song, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5, Guitar Hero Live, Rock Band 4, and so much more.

Enjoy the show, and keep a look out for more reviews coming this way, and details about our Extra Life stream!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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QCF: Life Is Strange: Episode 4: Dark Room

hen we last left off on Life is Strange, players were greeted with the best of intention going horribly awry, and how the consequence of changing one thing, lead to changing everything—Max copes with this and the Dark Room, and the end result will be sure to leave anyone who experiences it shaken.

While Episode 3’s Chaos Theory still stands as the magnum opus of the season, The Dark Room keeps up that momentum, and stands as the chef d'oeuvre to the finale of Life is Strange. All of the development to the cause and effect of Dontnod Entertainment’s choice-driven has a scale of influence in the predicaments that’s follow, and that fact that it brilliant builds from those experience that player’s have invested into the series so far, is what makes the impact of each outcome that’s reaped so provoking.

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QCF: Life Is Strange: Episode 3: Chaos Theory

t’s only Wednesday, and already, this week is turning out to be one of the of craziest happenings that you’ve ever lived. Following the aftermath of the life-changing event that the last episode ended with, Max Caulfield is stuck at the heart of the fallout caused from it, and is left with even more questions than answers about her control over the flow of time, but more importantly, she questions just who and what is more important to her as well.

Chaos Theory is the long awaited third entry of the running episodic game of Life is Strange, and while we’re still two more episodes away from the final conclusion of it all; it’s safe to say that this chapter could be the best episode of the series hands-down.

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QCF: Life Is Strange: Episode 2: Out of Time

he last time we saw Max Caldwell, she was coming to grips with confiding the truth about her time bending abilities to the closest friend that she has ever come to know, and the vulnerability on display is one of the central themes at work in Out of Time; the second episode to the saga of Life is Strange.

While a fate bigger than Max hangs over her head and that of Arcadia Bay, this follow-up installment seems to lose perspective on the stage that’s been set into motion, and the result is more baffling than it is effectual.

Without spoiling too much, Max is beginning to get more of a grasp on her situation, thanks to the comfort of sharing her unbelievable situation with Chloe Price; and much of the episode’s content focuses on where they go from there.

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QCF: Life is Strange: Episode 1: Chrysalis 

eenage Adolescence is that weird phase that will most likely stick with us in life more than any other period of our existence, the one identity that everyone is most likely to blur in and out of in their adult life, for better, or for worse. Now imagine having the power to rewind back the flow of space and time to cater to your every whim and desire, or a chance to divert back the makings of a teenage crisis that you could never possibly stomach living down—that’s a promising proposition right?

Well, it’s never really ever that simple, and Dontnod Entertainment’s Life is Strange offers a unique twist on the foundation of choice-driven gameplay that emphasizes that one decision isn’t always easier than the other, and the result creates for engaging roller-coaster of discovery and tragedy.

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PPR 93

ome cool jokes, solid sound effects, and a lot of chemistry in each conversation: would listen to again—8/10, or something like that. Yeah, as silly as they can be, game reviews are one of the most polarizing, yet essential elements to the culture and industry of video games today.

As the medium of gaming grows, so too does the science of critiquing it for both consumer and developers alike. We here at Press Pause Radio decide to discuss this necessary evil in detail, ranging in our thoughts about the process from our fellow peers in games journalism, our very perspective on the concept of review, justifying our personal philosophy behind our very own grading system.

Along the way we talk about Valentine’s Day, The New Nintendo 3DS XL, The Order 1886, Club Nintendo, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Mexican Snowboarding, Life is Strange, Avernum 2, Kirby and The Rainbow Curse, The Last Guardian, and more!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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