Entries in Max Payne (2)


QCF: Max Payne 3

In São Paulo, Brazil, we find the former lawman Max Payne wallowing in his usual grizzled disposition towards life and the current state of affairs he finds himself in. Payne is providing his services as direct high-end security for the illustrious Branco family against any who mean them any harm.

Picking up nine years since the last entry to the series, Rockstar Vancouver plans to take Max to new grounds and deliver features, both familiar and new for the modern generation. However, with the absence of Sam Lake’s writing and a new studio taking the reins, one has to wonder if Max Payne is long for this world, one that’s been overwhelmingly saturated with shooters during his leave of absence.

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PAX East 2012: Max Payne 3: Hands-on Preview

Pinned down behind a bar booth, Max counts his odds against a desperate gunfight with the mob in a rundown billiard hall. Max starts to feel the ache in age as his partner Raul runs to take cover to the right, preparing to lob bullets into their attackers. The Max Payne series, seemingly forgotten since 2003, has resurfaced this generation with Max Payne 3, and waits to be released on May 15. Right now, however, it is currently playable to all in attendance at PAX East 2012. I decided to stop by and see what the fuss was all about.

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