Entries in Megaman (10)


PPR Presents Lime Light: Megaman X Collection

The Blue Bomber has just turned 25 and brought to you by popular opinion, Press Pause Radio has taken it upon themselves to celebrate the wondrous occasion with a new Limelight! Tune in around Sunday, December 2nd, at 3:00 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Justin.TV account or settle in for the stream right here where George and the gang get down on the get down and might have a couple of brews while they’re at it.

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Bits and Pieces: NES Cover Art

Remember when game covers weren't as uniform as they are today? There was once a time when every developer had their own design theme, and when cover art was somewhere between the literal definitions of "art" and "garbage." With over 700 titles to choose from in its hit-and-miss library, the NES was notorious for harboring many of these unique design themes, quite possibly containing more variations than any other system. In the years to follow, game companies began transitioning to a more conventional form of cover presentation, usually making sure every single game box (excluding "greatest hits" editions) looked almost exactly alike.

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