Entries in Miiverse (2)


PPR's Top 5 Super Mario Maker Levels

t’s only been a week since the release of the anticipated DIY-centric adventure about gaming’s star plumber, and we’ve already been treated to some of the niftiest stages, and levels to have ever come out of the minds of intrepid gamers everywhere.

Seriously, some of the stuff to come out of Super Mario Maker so far has generated a sensation that contemporaries like Little Big Planet could only dream of, and it’s only going to get bigger. So while we’re preparing our review of the game, and enjoying some of the shenanigans ourselves, I figure that I would share with you all, my top five favorite levels to have generated out of the fun little Nintendo experiment so far and their respective access codes—in no particular order mind you, they’re all really awesome.

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QCF: Scribblenauts Unlimited

th Cell created quite the stir with Scribblenauts, a handheld puzzle game that mostly bound within the limitations of your imagination, when it first hit the scene in 2007. The latest installment, aptly subtitled Unlimited, gives you the tools to launch your imagination gloriously from the depths of your cortex vault and onto the screens of your television and Wii U gamepad.

While Scribblenauts Unlimited just may be the finest example of the concept utilizing all of the grand potential it has to offer, the advantages that the Wii U has to offer for the software are overlooked to an offensive degree. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a game where you can ride a narcissistic robot Pegasus with a flamethrower equipped or play a game of chess with a depressed clown while wearing a frog suit, but in the end you’re still left with a bitter taste of restraint and disappointment. And this time, it’s inexcusable.

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