QCF: Antichamber
t's easy to forget sometimes that the skills we've picked up through various videogames will often help us towards the next one. Experienced players will often rely on the reflexes that so many games have enforced on us before without even questioning it's use in another game completely. In a way we've all been building up skills since the first game we played, gradually making us better equipped for the next adventure in our paths. Antichamber however wants you to forget all that and start again.
A game built on breaking preconceptions and tropes of game design Antichamber seems to want you to forget all the puzzle solving skills you've ever learned so far. As you can probably tell this is harder and more challenging then it seems but the surprising fact is that forgetting everything you once knew about game design and resetting the way you think is also way more fun and rewarding than it has any right to be. In fact it's damn near genius at times.