Entries in Mirror's Edge Catalyst (1)


QCF: Mirror's Edge Catalyst

hen DICE first showed off Mirror’s Edge, it was a pledge to turn whatever we thought about first-person adventure games on its head; guns weren’t the focal point, your sense of momentum, and imagination was.

The premise of a parkour-driven resistance fighting against the Big Brother-like tyranny of an all-powerful government regime created a setting that complimented both the presentation and gameplay wonderfully, delivering what could be considered one of the most criminally underrated experiences to be had in the last generation.

That’s not to say that Mirror’s Edge went entirely unnoticed, as it garnered a dedicated following despite the lukewarm success it saw commercially, and the promise for a sequel kept fans foaming at the mouth for years—and well, it was…kind of worth it. Expanding Mirror’s Edge level design into an Open-World template only seemed like the most natural course of progression that the series could take, but the execution of the approach is a bit too clunky to justify the anticipation this entry had going for it these last couple years, and it’s a damn shame.

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