Entries in Never Forget San d'Oria (1)


Never Forget San d'Oria: Announcing The Vana'Diel Project

hen I saw the post come up on Face Book, my heart stopped. "We'll be holding a special press conference - plans for the future of FFXI" My first adventures in Vana'diel happened way back in 2007 and while it has been years since I've traversed it's leafy Cities and sparse deserts the game holds a special spot in my heart. I instantly began to think that the worst was coming. An end to a game that has remained strong, even with it's prettier, more attractive, younger sister getting her first expansion.

Thankfully, for the most part, this wasn't the case.

Titled the Vana'Diel Project, Square has several exciting (things) planned for Final Fantasy XI.

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