Entries in Ni No Kuni (2)


QCF: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

hen we were busy recording our end of the year award show I said that Ni No Kuni would be the game that would prove whether or not JRPGs were still viable on home consoles. Now I know that there are many rpgs out there in this generation, but the basis of my proclamation is the feeling I would get just grinding out levels in a fantastical world and completely ignoring everything else around me. RPGs in recent years have been few and far between, long gone from the heyday back during the 16 and 32 bit eras. Ni No Kuni has not only proven that the genre is not dead, but it has brought me back to a feeling I have not had since my teenage years.

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PPR 69

loody mayhem you say, well; we have something we’d like to share. This week on Press Pause Radio, we return to discuss the subject of violence in video games and media in general as far as what sort of influence they may potentially have. Among all the serious talk, we also discuss Mailman ethics, Gargoyles the TV series, Dead Island controversies, Unepic, and more. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy the latest gathering of the PPR gang as we clench fists and talk some words on the effects of shooting a gun with a controller, spoiler; nothing dangerous and we’ll share why.

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