QCF: South Park: The Stick of Truth
eventeen years and going, that’s nothing to sneeze at as far as commitment goes, and even more so when you factor all the consistency to be found in this ever mounting legacy—well, except for one; the shitty video games it’s spawned.
In what’s nearly amounted to almost two decades, I have continually found it strange that a solid property like South Park (one that has faithfully employed satire on the culture of video games on several occasions within its run) has failed to inspire developers to truly capture the spirit of the license in a video game five times.
That’s what makes The Stick of Truth so special; Obsidian and South Park Digital Studios didn’t aim to deliver one of the most ground breaking games to release in 2014—no, they instead have labored towards crafting the most satisfying vehicle of interaction for its property first, and above average game design to shoulder it secondly.
Ironically, this direction is makes The Stick of Truth one of the first must play games of 2014.