Entries in Playasia (3)


Bullet Heaven Unboxes - Earth Atlantis Limited Edition

In an effort to bring you all even more content without YouTube "forgetting" to let you all know, we've re-branded Mudprints Unboxes into the all-new but still-the-same Bullet Heaven Unboxes! More shmups, more content, more macro, all great! 

Earth Atlantis may not have been as engaging as wewould have liked and the revaltion of its licensed music is a bit of a bummer, but the Playstation 4 Limited Edition from EastAsiaSoft has something fantastic that adds all kinds of eye-opening extras that give it way more personality. So what's inside?


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Mudprints Unboxes Rym 9000 Limited Edition (PS4)

Rym 9000 definitely had its issues in our Bullet Heaven review... but also some decent merits. Thankfully, the best parts of Rym 9000 are prominently featured in its Limited Edition, from EastAsiaSoft and Playasia. So what's inside? Let's take alook. 


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This episode of Mudprints Unboxes was made with a copy of the game provided by the publisher for reveiw. The opinions expressed are our own and are not paid for by the developer, publisher or any retailers or resellers in any way.


Mudprints Unboxes: Dimension Drive Limited Edition (Switch Verison)

astasiasoft's PS4 Limited Editions have been a pretty great success, offering fantastic extras to gamers into indie titles for a great, low price. Now they're producing Switch games, and their first is - once again - Dimension Drive and this time it adds a crucial new extra! In this Mudprints Unboxes, we're taking a look at the Dimension Drive Limited Edition for the Nintendo Switch.

Get the Dimension Drive Limited Edition here! 

Get the Dimension Drive Standard Edition here!

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