Entries in roguelike (6)


Bullet Heaven, Episode #204 - Steredenn: Binary Stars

ike it or lump it, the Nintendo Switch is now the console to own if shmups are your thing. We looked at a shooter called Steredenn in episode 138 and we really liked it. Now, Steredenn is back with a new release on the Nintendo Shmup -- err, switch -- complete with new player ships, enemies, visuals weapons and even a new co-op mode! How does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven EX, Episode 27 - Galak-Z: The Void

ey Everyone!
In Episode 140, we took a look at Galak-Z: The Dimensional, a roguelike space shooter with all kinds of personality. As it turns out, Season 5 of the game has ceased to be, transforming instead into the infinite score chaser, The Void. How does this newest FREE DLC for Galak-Z stack up? 

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 138 - Steredenn

t's time for another genre-bending Shmup mashup in Steredenn, this time with roguelike elements thrown into the mix. It's different every time, but how does it stack up? 

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PPR Presents Play Play: Crypt of Necrodancer 

onestly, I have to admit, it’s been too long since I unfolded the crinkley, vinyl mess of dance pad that I use to kick and stomp on during the pre-Guitar Hero days that Dance Dance Revolution ruled the block. I just couldn’t say no to the idea of crawling through dozens of dungeon floors through the sole use of sweet footwork on the mat—I have Brace Yourself Games to thank for that, with the their up and coming title, Crypt of The Necrodancer.

This Play Play is a little different, I decided what better way to showcase just how ridiculously awesome this whole thing really is, than to giving you all an inside-look on the slick moves being done by yours truly, via split screen. Check it out, and if you like what you see, you can buy the game on Steam Early Access!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


QCF - Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God

he rogue-like is kind of making a bit of a resurgence in the current gaming landscape. Games like Towerfall, The Guided Fate Paradox and more are really kind of creating a sort of Rogue-renaissance with their unique combination brand of roleplaying and crippling hardships upon player's very imminent deaths. Unlike most games out there today (Dark Souls notwithstanding), these games offer a challenge seldom seen in the video games of today. But what if you're not hard core enough to slog your way through the modern rogue-like battlefield? Well, that's where Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God comes in.

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QCF: The Guided Fate Paradox

IS has been publishing RPGs in North America for quite a while now. Whether it's their super-deep, wicked complex strategy games, turn-based RPGs or even a side-scroller or two, their efforts are decently enjoyable with only a few outright duds to speak of throughout its vast sub-genred library. Well, they're back yet again with their latest title, The Guided Fate Paradox. But this time, NIS brings another as-yet explored RPG genre subtype along with it; The Rogue-like RPG.

The Guided Fate Paradox follows the exploits of Renya, a downtrodden, luckless teenage high school student who, straight out of the gates, monologues his lament for having never won a thing in his life. In the midst of this down-and-out self-reflection, he is taken aside and talked into playing a random-draw lottery for a potentially fabulous prize. After far too much resistance, Renya wins the grand prize; he is to become God--of course.

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