Ten Strikes: Potential Ban of Fair Use and Streaming
Just when consumers everywhere were relieved with the Supreme Court's decision on video game distribution in California, we find ourselves facing another bombshell. By now you’ve probably heard about this upcoming proposition to regulate streamed media content online. Sure, “Ten Strikes” sounds like plenty of chances, but it really isn’t for many smaller publications and aspiring journalists.
For those of you who have yet to year about this bill (S. 978), it would practically outlaw all of YouTube, and any similar video sites or posts. Want to see other gamers stream a live event? You could kiss that goodbye. How about that podcast you listen to (like us), which occasionally uses tiny bits of music from your favorite video games? Sorry, but it’s going to start sounding much more dull ─ if they continue and don’t all get arrested.
For those of you who wish to voice your opinion on this upcoming travesty, you can head over to Demand Progress, and have a letter sent to your local US representative (or even write them yourself).
It is crucial that we speak up and make the system work. We know that you love us (or at least love to hate us), so we here at Press Pause Radio ask that you continue to support us ─ and our friends elsewhere ─ by contacting your local representative, and speaking up for these rights. But please, no curse words. We don’t need to give the gaming community a bad name, nor do we need to strengthen the stereotype that all gamers play Grand Theft Auto and Halo in order to fuel their aggression.