PPR 125

Man, who’re we kidding, we’re late as hell to the party because this “new normal” is, unfortunately, hitting us harder than we would care to admit (seriously you guys, goo pay Ser some love whenever you get a chance because God Dammit does he especially deserve it right meow.)
Before we set to record our upcoming Games Club special on The Last of Us Part II, we took it upon ourselves to cover the some of the bombshell announcements that happened over the last month in this “news” centric episode that will strangely be the closest thing to our “E3” episode of 2020; the news, of course, includes our thoughts on the official reveal of the Sony PlayStation 5, and the teased launch lineup for its release later this Fall, the Woozle Consolizer mods for the Neo Geo Pocket Color and Nintendo DS, The Sega Astro City Cab Mini and Game Gear Micro, and how everything seems to bee made out of cake now for some reason…
This one is a bit of a shorty but man, oh man is it a goodie—see y’all next time when we talk about The Last of Us Part II and get real sad together and stuff.
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