Entries in Shmup (76)


Bullet Heaven, Episode 195 - RXN -Raixin-

e're finally wrapping up the Shmuppy Switchmas Holidays with perhaps the most anticipated shmup on Nintendo's console yet. RXN -Raixin- is the kind of shooter a lot of us have been waiting for... but how does it hold up?

Get RXN -Raixin- on the Nintendo eShop here: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/rxn-raijin-switch

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 193 - Gunbird for Nintendo Switch

hmuppy Switchmas may be over, but the Shmuppy Holidays continue! We've seen a lot of western developed shooting games in the last couple of moinths but what about classic japanese ones? Well this time, we take a look at Gunbird for Nintendo Switch. We've wanted to review this one since early 2010 but it somehow never happened, despite having it al this time on the Sega Saturn. How does it (finally) stack up?


Get Gunbird for Nintendo Switch! - https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/gunbird-for-nintendo-switch

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 192 - RIVE: Ultimate Edition

hmuppy Switchmas is on a roll and now it's time for something totally different! RIVE: Ultimate Edition was released to the NIntendo Switch on November 17, 2017 and the time has never been better to check out this oft-viewer-suggested "everygame." How does it (finally) stack up?

Get RIVE: Ultimate Edition! - https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/rive-ultimate-edition-switch

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 191 - Aces of the Luftwaffe Squadron

t's round three this Shmuppy Switchmas and HandyGames has joined the fray with Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron. If you thought it looked suspiciously like a cheap mobile game, you're not totally wrong... but how does it play? What does it feature? And how does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 189 - Xenoraid

nother Switch shoot-em-up? How is this even happening?! The Switch is really cementing itself as an indie shmup haven to be reckoned with and 10Tons' Xenoraid is looking for some street cred. How does it stack up?


Get Xenoraid!

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 188 - Jet Buster

n episode 152, we took a look at Zenodyne R by Team Grybanser Fox. Their latest, Jet Buster takes feedback from Zenodyne to craft a much more approachable game that sets itself apart from Team Grybanser Fox's other games by way of an Antrho character set. How does it stack up? Let's take a look.

Get Jet Buster on Steam or Itch or both! 

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Bullet Heaven 187 - Earth Atlantis

he Switch has yet another shoot em up! This time, it's the underwater themed, post-apocalyptic, Metroidvania-infused Earth Atlantis! How does this "Shmuproidvania" stack up??

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 186 - Cuphead

ullet Heaven is back for Series 9!! In an episode responsible for the most footage we've ever captured from a single PC game - over six and a half hours! - Cuphead gets its time to shine on Bullet Heaven! How hard is it? Is it fun? Should you just skip the review and buy it already? Well, maybe not the last one, but how does it stack up? Let's take a look!


Get Cuphead on Steam or Xbox One or both!

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