Entries in sonic the hedgehog (18)


PAX Prime 2013: The Sega Mini-Omega 2013

rekking through the show floor at PAX Prime 13, we happened upon Sega's booth and couldn't help but be curious about the upcoming Wii U exclusives from Sega, so we figure "Why not tag team it?" Here our impressions with Andrew getting steamy with Bayonetta 2, and George handling the Blue Blur's latest outing.

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Short Films Offer New Dimensions in Gaming Tributes

n the past few years we’ve seen plenty of artists and moviemakers recreate their favorite video games in the form of smaller YouTube segments. For fans and by fans, we’ve witnessed everything from Chell’s life after Aperture to an unfortunate reality for Mario.

These videos only become more sophisticated as time passes. More independent studios look for ways to portray their favorite games and add more lifelike effects to them. And though some become more exaggerated or overly ambitious in the process, we've still experienced some amazing productions.

On that note, the following segments represent what’s truly becoming a culture of its own.

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