Entries in Star Force (2)


Bullet Heaven, Episode 208 - Arcade Archives: Star Force

Zerodiv isn't the only purveyor of great classic arcade goodness around; Hamster is arguably the best at what they do when it comes to 100% faithfully reproduced classic arcade games with great online features for all major home consoles. Arcade Archives: Star Force brings the 1984 caravan style shooter to the Nintendo Switch... so just how does it stack up?

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Bullet Heaven, Episode #161 - Star Soldier Saga Vol.1: Star Force

Tecmo may not have especially many shooting games uner its belt - they're much more famous for their fighting games and early sports titles - but one very early arcade title shook up what people knew about space shooters and singlehandedly created a whole subgenre: The Caravan Shooter. Released to the Famicom in 1985, Star Force paved the way for the venerable Star Soldier Series... but how does it stack up?  

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