Entries in Steam (71)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 95 - Gigantic Army

yu-Media has released Astro Port's Gigantic Army on Steam! As a sweet tribute to the 90's Mech-based Run-n-guns like Gun Hazard, Valken and Cybernator, just how does Gigantic Army stack up?


Gamers Gate 
Rice Digital 

NEW MUSIC BY SER FLASH! The 4th Album, Meteoric, is on sale now for just $7! Support Bullet Heaven HD!

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QCF: Jazzpunk

rom the very start Jazzpunk grabs your attention with its colorful visuals and jazzy electronic beats. As you settle in it becomes apparent that you're playing something truly unique. The game is a blend of familiar game elements, humor, and pure oddity. All taken in from the first person perspective.

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QCF: Payday 2

n the tails of Left 4 Dead, pure multiplayer co-op experiences have risen again and won over the hearts of gamers with unique campaign games. Suffice to say these types of games have a lot of potential. However, the unfortunate fates decided that many games after Left 4 Dead tended to continue the path of non-stop shooting instead of exploring the new crazy ideas this potential could offer. There's nothing wrong with pure-action experiences, but sometimes you just end up craving for something more—something more... criminal...

Well Payday 2 seems to be the answer to this. With exciting gameplay and almost cinematic mechanics, this game has had me more interested in FPS multiplayer games, than I ever had been, and made me wonder why we haven't seen this type of game everywhere else by now.

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PPR 82

fter all of those Steam Holiday sales and Humble Bundle deals, your computer must be filled to the brim with some PC-ass PC games; wouldn’t it be swell if you could just play all of those titles on your TV with a controller like a console? Well, Gabe Newell thinks so, and he’s out to prove it with his wave of Gabe-Cubes, err, we mean Steam Boxes.

Join us for a conversation of Jazz Jackrabbit, Ric Flair being arrested, Gone Home, The Canadian Army, Bravely Default, Pokémon Y, Killer Instinct, and more on this first show in the Twenty Del-Quattro.

Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today, follow us on our new Twitch page, YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

Oh, and mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well!

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QCF: Forced

ith platforms like Steam and the new wave of online multiplayer, it's never been easier to find something fun to play with friends. Whether it be facing your comrades or helping them, the videogame industry has provided us with tons of experiences to share with our loved ones. However, there's always room for more, and with the new action/RPG Forced's emphasis on co-op, there's a new option for those looking for new multiplayer adventures.

However, can Forced really stand up to the likes of Magicka and the tons of other co-op experiences offered on Steam? Does it even work as a single player title? The answer unfortunately, may underwhelm you.

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PPR 78

ey guys, remember when we all played that sweet RPG on the Super Nintendo Bahumat Lagoon? No? What about Seiken Densetsu 3, you guys had to have played that right? Gyakuten Kenji 2? Everyone is killing me! Oh, wait, what’s that? You say that none of those games ever came out to North America; yeah, we know that, that’s why there’s the wonderful culture of import gaming. The charming Stevie, cynical James, pugnacious Ser, and scumbag Georgie bring you the latest PPR and this week, they talk about some video games y’all. Topics range from sharing our respects towards Hiroshi Yamauchi and Nintendo’s sordid past with love hotels, the price difference of Zebra bed sheets versus Tiger bed sheets, Super Mario Bros: The Movie 2: the comic, Sega buying Atlus, and so much more in this shit storm of a podcast.

Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today, follow us on our new Twitch page, mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well!

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QCF: Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

hen Amnesia: The Dark Descent was released in 2010, it was a breath of fresh air into an industry that had seemed to have lost its way with horror titles for a while. Its unique tension and combat free gameplay gave the player a sense of helplessness that hadn't been experienced before. Paired up with undeniably scary set pieces this created a cult indie game that took YouTube by storm. The reaction videos to this terrifying game really hit a nerve and cemented The Dark Descent as a game every horror fan should experience.

Now it's three years later and the anticipation for this sequel has grown. Teamed up with Dear Esther creators The Chinese Room, Frictional Games is presenting us a follow up with a lot of pressure on it's back. A Machine for Pigs is this title and depending on your stance on what makes gameplay engaging, you'll either be loving it or hating it. However, one thing you unfortunately won't be is scared.

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QCF: Papers, Please

oral choices in most games are easy. Save enough little sisters in Bioshock- you get the good ending, kill any and you're the worlds biggest monster. These choices are so ultimately binary that it's easy to even forget that they're questions of morality to begin with. Even when dealing with a complex issue, there's always a prompt telling you what kind of decision you made, regardless of your reasoning. "Yes and no" or "right and wrong" stick firmly into our heads to the point where we'll always know where our choices take us and what kind of end game they'll eventually lead us to.

However, Papers, Please doesn't play by those rules. In fact, it doesn't really play by any. There's no right or wrong here, only moral uncertainty and shades of horrific grays that lead to an experience which is devastatingly horrific, monotonous, and perplexing fun at the same time. Basically, it's one of the most interesting and creative video games you'll play all year.

Just don't expect to leave it feeling good about yourself.

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