Entries in The Golden Zonkeys (2)


PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies 2013

nother year, another list of games standing mighty and tall among the crop of titles released in 2013; Join us for another edition of Press Pause Radio’s annual Golden Zonkey Awards!

We’ve nominated everything from games to events that saw the light of day in 2013 across sixteen different categories, and we have that very list for you here now. We’ll be going down the prestigious catalog of choices from start to finish on the podcast with each of voicing our vote for the winner of it’s respective title. The only stipulation in the Golden Zonkies is that any point, a wild card can be suggested by one of the hosts if majority vote dictates that another nomination is more deserving of the award instead of the choices presently casted.

If you’ve got an issue with the Golden Zonkies and how it was conducted then just remember the only other rule; it’s our God Damn show and opinion anyway, so keep that in mind when you send us whatever discourse you have with our decisions after the show by doing the following:

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered to post on Golden Zonkey thread about the show. Also make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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Press Pause Radio presents The Golden Zonkey Awards of 2012

e are nearing the end of 2012, and with the end of this giant year for video gaming, we here at Press Pause Radio have decided to shake things up a bit. In the past, we normally just choose a personal Top 10 list for the games released within the year in which we talk to a certain degree as to why they made our list; we figured that this wasn’t going to work for us this time around. Therefore, this year, we’re going all out with our own game of the year award show that we’ll be recording instead; aptly titled, The Golden Zonkies!

Below is a list of the eligible titles that we have all nominated to win the particular Golden Zonkey awarded for the category displayed. We’ll be recording this weekend and updating this post with winners for the appropriate categories as we publish the podcast. Until that happens, be sure to check out what’s been nominated for the official 2012 Golden Zonkey Awards!

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