QCF: Batman: A Telltale Series Episode 1: Realm of Shadows
here’s always one quality that the Dark Knight has consistently shared with the Man of Steel that has carried on through the ages—their respective civilian identities were the actual alter egos, and not the heroic personas they portray. The reasons behind their conflicted points of identity couldn’t be more different though; Clark struggles to make himself more human in order to seek acceptance from the race he seeks to protect, but Bruce views it as a lost cause, something that he lost that night at the age of eight.
As such, it isn’t often that you’ll see a whole lot, if any focus on Bruce Wayne other than a necessary foil at times to his life as Batman and nothing more. The idea of that part of his life being the focal point of a video game sounds even more absurd when you factor in the notable lack of punching his real life counterpart deals with than his bat-one does.