QCF: Beyond Eyes
here’s an intriguing sense of irony that comes with a video game attempting to recreate the hindrances of blindness, with mechanics built around simulating the hardships and frustrations that come such an affliction—that shit is rough, and just thought of such a thing sends shivers down my spine.
Which leads us to the an indie title from the studio Tiger & Squid, called Beyond Eyes; a bold look at the routines and adversities of a blind ten year old girl named Rae, and the journey she makes to find her place in the world under the status quo of being forever blind.
The concept is as intriguing as it is committed, and it’s bound to shed some light (or lack of so to speak) on perspective that most would never think to empathize on—but that only carries something like this so far, and unfortunately, the endearment of Beyond Eyes doesn’t last long enough to warrant the trouble.