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PAX PRIME 2014: Bringing some friends to Lara and The Temple of Osiris

fter all the hype and dust began to subside, the reveal of Lara Croft and The Temple of Osiris struck a chord that loudly echoed across the land. The news ranged anywhere from a logically nostalgic callback for the license, to a complete surprise of a sequel announcement for a predecessor that never broke beyond the sleeper hit status.

The now affectionately regarded as a continuation of the classic series and characterization of Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft, Temple of Osiris returns to the familiar gauntlet inspired twin-stick co-op platformer setup of Guardian of Light with intensified overhaul of the cooperative multiplayer dynamics.

The upgrades and additional features of Temple of Osiris may just be one of the best directions that Crystal Dynamics could have taken this sequel in, and if this preview is any solid indication of the execution at work so far, then we may very well see 2014’s upcoming cooperative couch-party star by the start of the holiday.

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