Entries in Twisted Pixel (4)


QCF: Lococycle

This Review was Frelanced by Rob Rich; you can find his other work here.

 weapons manufacturer without morals, highly advanced and extremely dangerous artificially intelligent war machines, A lightning strike, and Self-awareness—adventure.  No, I’m not talking about Short Circuit (although I totally could be), I’m talking about Twisted Pixel’s latest…Thing. It’s more like what Short Circuit would be if Johnny 5 were a female motorcycle with a tenuous grip on reality and an auto mechanic stuck to his leg. Also there are tourist traps! I know that barely makes any sense and makes me seem like I may have a substance abuse problem. That’s LocoCycle.

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PPR Presents Now Showing: 11/08/13

his week on Now Showing shows off trailers of upcoming games that all share one thing in common—They gots all that humor for all you laughing types! The Stick of Truth shows off some sweet footage of gameplay and content for the first time to demonstrate just how synergetic it is with the show’s actual animation. The other two trailers are some indie darlings; Twisted Pixel dives into some live-action satire promoting the upcoming Lococyle, and Casual Brother puts together some B-roll with farts and stinks with their co-op multiplayer project, Orc Attack, enjoy you chuckle-hearty clods!

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Quarter Circle Forward Review: Ms. Splosion Man

In the beginning there was man, or woman I’m not really sure…The point I’m trying to make is that within the homo sapien race exist two genders, and Twisted Pixel has given it’s exploding hero a counter-part of the fairer sex to star in very own video game. Ms. Splosion Man may take its inspiration from the concept of Ms. Pac-man but I can assure you this is not 'Splosion Man with a bow-tie and I’ll start off by explaining why.

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Interview with Twisted Pixel

During our coverage of PAX East 2011 we interviewed Jay Stuckwisch from Twisted Pixel about their upcoming Xbox Live Arcade release Ms. Splosion Man. Due to poor audio quality the interview was not featured on that podcast. On the eve of the game's release, we at Press Pause Radio would like to take a look back at our time with the developer as we discuss broken controllers, Jetsons cars and explosions. Enjoy!

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