Entries in Video Game Commercials (1)


PPR 101

ow many times have you been told that a video game has to be played above all else, a game that has to be experienced to be believed, or something that made you feel like you were playing with power, or loud?

Hell, what about all things that it does that the other games just don’t, and the nonsensical screaming and camera shaking that followed… If you recall any of the reminiscent of the aforementioned occurrences that were described, then you my friend may have bared witness to the infamous “video game commercial.”

While we discussed what the effects of a hype train can hold, the publisher-funded adverts that’re pushed down our throats to refurbish that same sort of sensation may be going the way of the memory card before we know it. The gang gets together to discuss some of the commercials that they remember, and the effects that they had along with the shifting climate of game advertisement and more along with all the latest news and announcements that have been dropped as of recent.

We’re talking Red Dead Redemption 2, the Voice actor strike, Skylanders Imaginators, Layer Section II, Burly Men At Sea, Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, The Nintendo Switch, Destiny: Rise of Iron, the PS4 Pro, which movie is better between Super Troopers and Beerfest, and more!

So start listening, and get N or get out, or whatever, no one’s really forcing you honestly…

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