PPR 62
"I thought I was the Bally table king, but I just handed my pinball crown to him". There is such a rich history involved with the pinball industry and the community of players, that current gamers definitely owe a debt of gratitude to pinball. From humbled beginnings, illegal operations and persecution to the rise and the fall of the pinball machine there have been many stories and tales associated with various flippers and metallic balls. The PPR family will discuss this as well as the small factions of players that continue to keep pinball enthusiasm alive and well. We also discuss Select Feedback from the listeners and dwell over recent news and events. Thanks for taking the time to allow us into your eardrums, and please remember to rate and review us on iTunes, Zune and Stitcher Radio so we can continue to reach more and more listeners. Also friend of the show Rosario is currently gathering support for his twenty-four hour gaming marathon will all the proceeds going to Extra-Life. If you have any time or contributions please make sure to send them right here. PPR and Rosario appreciate the support!

Reader Comments (3)
So, I know you probably wanted feedback about the Penny Arcade Kickstarter -- but I just wanted to talk about Facebook (as we're on there w/ STG) real quick. We see a direct correlation between sales and posts on Facebook! It's insane. We don't have personal FB's because it was never our thing, but it's an invaluable tool for small businesses.
The PA Kickstarter is somewhat unsettling for me, but I've had too many good experiences with Kickstarter (mostly musicians) to make me care too much. It's lame, but oh well. PAX is still going to be incredible. :*
*Going to continue listening lol*
SupaBoys you say? >.> Maybe we should do a giveaway through you guys!
Epic Pinball for MS DOS by Epic Games! I played that more than any real life pinball game I've played... ^^; - We should get a pinball game for the store.