PAX East 2014: A peek at Borderlands The Presequel Gameplay
he play styles of various first-person shooters and the structure they pride themselves around has carried over into an almost kind of credo that dictates the cliques of that follow them. There’s one exception in particular though, that’s revered universally though among a majority of these demographics, and I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about considering the name of this post.
With that in mind, here’s the $60 question that’s rung in my head since Borderlands 2 however, is where does Gearbox go from here? How many fresh territories can they cross with the series while still delivering all established elements that makes it what it is? While Telltale is tasking at the very goal with Tales from The Borderlands, Gearbox is stretching their legs with another shooting entry to the property; a game aimed towards the combination its signature tongue-in-cheek humor and fan service and new gameplay mechanics founded upon this escalation.
Presequel is already primed to impress and a testament to the mileage left in one of this generation’s most innovative franchises.