Entries in NFSD (2)


Never Forget San d'Oria: Hiromichi hints towards FFXI on the Vita

Recently, Hiromichi Tanak (Final Fantasy XI's former lead designer and producer of Final Fantasy XIV) informed Famitsu that Square Enix is considering making the PS Vita the next platform for its long running MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI. Initially, I was very happy to hear this news; I have been a sporadic player of the ongoing online adventure for years and a handheld alternative seemed like the perfect fit. However the more I daydream about this match made in Heaven, I am starting to realize that it is really a terrible accident just waiting to happen.

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NFSD: Introduction & Auction Houses


Hey Everyone, sorry for the ricochet-affect that's been going on with us, with us getting ready for Penny-Arcade Expo East & preparing its been a bit of a chore to get a handle onto everything. I did want to take the time to introduce a brand new feature to PPR though that will be explored more thoroughly as it's something that is always mentioned but has never been completely fleshed out. Final Fantasy XI is a game that as we have gone into detail, is more than a game & more of an experience. Hence from this point forward, I will be venturing back into Vana'diel this month & will continue my quest as the  Elvaan GeorgieBoysAXE & I will actually take the opportunity to grow into a legendary adventurer & this feature will chronicle my time in the land of Vana'diel.

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