Entries in action games (25)


QCF: Remember Me

magine a world much like our own at its core, one that’s full of greed and desire towards power and affluence. However, the object of desire is something even most people take for granted, memories—an event that’s recorded within the depths of a person’s grey matter that has the ability to shape or define who we are. In the future, your precious recollections are used as currency from a tyrannical corporation that preys on its consumers like cattle to further their own sinister means. In the middle of all of this, you’re the resistance against the reign of mass psychological terror of science fictional proportions; this is Dontnod Entertainment’s Remember Me.

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QCF: Deadpool

This review was freelanced by Gregory Wright, you can find his other works here.

'll come clean with you guys: I'm not a huge comic book fan. It's not that I don't want to be, but these damn "video games" keep sucking up all my free time. Despite that, even I know who Deadpool is. Games such as X-Men Legends II, the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance games, or even Marvel vs. Capcom 3 introduced me to the character, and I have to say, Deadpool is a hard guy NOT to like. How do you dislike someone who constantly breaks the fourth wall and treats everything like a joke? So after years of playing the supporting character role, Deadpool is finally starring as a headliner in his own game.

And knowing Deadpool, this is going to be a bumpy ride...

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PAX East 2013: The Last of Us--Hands-on gameplay

ay is a little over a month away, and after everything that we’ve seen out of the month of March so far. The gradual end of the current video game generation has already been treated to a last hurrah that won't be topped for years to come. However, there’s one particular title that’s around the corner; The Last of Us.

This is Naughty Dog’s cinematic take on a post-apocalyptic world and its odd couple, Joel and Ellie. The epic survival adventure has been discussed for awhile, and with only cinematic sequences and controlled demonstrations to fuel anticipation, I had the opportunity to get a hands-on play session. From what I was able to play so far, this title should ignite a resolution in video game standards for years to come.

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PAX East 2013: Remember Me

 actually had to ask Ser and George what the last non-fighting Capcom game was. Then they reminded me of Resident Evil 6, which I guess I just bleached out of my memory.

It's good to see Capcom trying new things, even if they don't always work out. They've kind of just become the fighting and Resident Evil guys. That isn't to say Remember Me is especially new, but it's a breath of fresh air from them.

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QCF: Tomb Raider (2013)

ronically, we live in a generation of video gaming where technology allows for the most realistic situational simulation of life to date, and yet the gap that measures the suspension of disbelief players have when playing games grows wider in spite of the advances made in development. Titles such as Heavy Rain and The Walking Dead are notable exceptions to the standard, but rarely does a game ever try humanizing the fantastical exodus a player experiences. Crystal Dynamics, however, focused on delivering a title that encompasses this concept.

The cool, confident, and arguably vain Lara Croft that we all grew up with has now transformed into a vulnerable, tender-footed, human protagonist that’s now mixed into series of misfortunate trials that will change her for the rest of her life. Some may argue that Lara’s latest outing maybe controversial for the sake of controversy, but underneath the mud and soundtrack‘s dramatic orchestral reverbs of intensity lies a coming-of-age adventure that represents one of the most genuine experiences in video games today.

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QCF: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

he Sons of the Patriots, a network hive mind that controlled the nanomachines of every soldier active in any PMC established through manipulation and subterfuge, disappeared four years ago, and yet PMCs live on. What was once the age of nanomachines has now been advanced into a whole new realm of technology -- Cyber-biotic integration through cyborg application -- and ushered into a new age of peace, PMCs are now a means of private security for preventative measures. Raiden, a man who endorses these ideals of preventative maintenance through aggressive means of security, is currently tasked with his latest mission protecting African Prime Minister N'Mani as he rallies his efforts to prevent civil war and continue the peace. But of course, things don't always go as planned.

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QCF: Anarchy Reigns

latinum Games has been busy going into 2013. Spearheading upcoming releases like Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101 along with staying on track with their collaborative efforts with Konami on Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, there was another title too. What was it again? Oh yeah, that multiplayer beat’em up, Anarchy Reigns.

The action multiplayer-focused title delivers the punches and fan-service for fans of Madworld and Bayonetta, the expectations for a multiplayer title centered on character action combat incited quite a depth of potential considering the studio behind the reigns. The genre of arena based fighters always bring a new element to direct combat that distinguish it from traditional fighting games. More often than not, games which come to mind when one thinks of this category is Power Stone or Super Smash Bros. Whenever the topic enters discussion, Anarchy Reigns tries to expand on this formula.

The end result, however, is a wasteland of missed opportunities populated with rough gameplay that contains a dearth of personality to round out the full circle of disappointment that is Anarchy Reigns.

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QCF: DmC: Devil May Cry

inja Theory incites a bit of a binary response whenever you mention their name. They’re either applauded for their expertise in captivating characterization and cinematic presentation that’s ahead of the curve amongst today’s games, or they’re lambasted for compromising gameplay for presentation with shoddy technical execution of the core design down to even the most fundamental game mechanics. The Devil May Cry series is praised for both of these aspects. As you can see, the hit-or-miss studio had their work cut out for them rebooting the celebrated demon-slaying franchise in the manner they aimed for when the game was first showcased back in 2010.

After experiencing the new Dante and his latest caper first hand, I can assure you that the party has indeed gotten crazier, and you should all RSVP the first chance you get.

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