PAX East 2013: Ducktales impressions
ostalgia is a tricky beast when it comes to the realm of media. Fond memories are often blinded by rose tinted glasses of grandeur that rests upon those who share this experience on a modern soapbox. Certain properties however, are an exception to the rule, like the Carl Banks inspired Disney cartoon Ducktales which stars the richest duck in the world Scrooge McDuck, and the misadventures he underwent to chase even bigger fortunes with his nephew in tow.
Unlike other contemporaries from its time, Ducktales has charmingly aged and with its legacy, were the much lauded NES titles developed and published by Capcom—This weekend at PAX, The blue and yellow giants, in partnership with WayForward, have announced a remastered revival of the classic and after having some time with it, my six year old inner child and I were able to nod our heads in approval together.