Entries in Bad Games (2)


QCF: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5

here are certain names that you read or hear of with games, that possess a modicum of pedigree to its brand, and in turn, they’re guaranteed an opportunity to cement a legacy within the industry and culture, that will endure for years to come—Tony Hawk Pro Skater is such a brand.

Which is why the prospect of a sequel returning back to the roots of the series humble beginnings since the original release fourteen years ago, sounded like an idea that was just begging to print money for Activision this Holiday season.

Too bad that this sentiment couldn’t be farther from the truth; Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 is bad, like, soul-crushingly bad, to be honest with you folks, it’s poop from a butt.

And there isn’t a single excuse for it either—regressing the physics of an engine that’s been awarded for its intuitive physics and the fundamentals of its design is an insult to the franchise that’s supposedly being celebrated for the next generation.

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PPR 60


For as long as the video game industry has exisited, there has always been a stigma around licensed games. History has proven almost every single time that a title based off of another franchise or form of media has never been done well or at least was not enjoyed by the community as a whole. However, in some rare instances this generation and in the past there have been several releases that broke the mold, paving a way for licensed games of the future to truly shine. Is this a new renaissance in gaming, or is history doomed to repeat itself? The original round table of Press Pause Radio will discuss this and much more on Episode 60! TACO BOAT! (Seriously the best thing ever!)

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