GDC 14: Closing the rift in Oculus rift: Hands-on with the Dev Kit 2
here was one goal that I had this year in mind aside from Press Pause Radio’s modus operandi with indie games showings, one particular rodeo I was eagerly anticipating the return to at GDC 2014: the Oculus Rift.
The team that chased the idea of consumer-friendly virtual reality has been hard at work addressing all of the feedback they received within the last year. In response, they created a reworked build humbly titled “The Dev Kit 2.” I approached the seat where the upgraded goggles laid, strapped in, and completely and experienced an entirely new Oculus; the line between developmental stages and (forgive the pun) reality have now been blurred, and Sony will have some serious competition on their hands.
Eve Valkyrie,
GGDC 2014,
Oculus Rift,
it's the real deal | in