Entries in Famicom (11)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 88 - B-Wings (FC5 #1)

elcome to the FC5, the first special block of the new season! In today's episode of Bullet Heaven, we take a look at the first ever game by Data East on the Famicom, B-Wings (aka Battle Wings). As an obscure famicom title based on an already obscure arcade game, just how did B-Wings fare in 1986? And how does it hold up today?


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Press Pause Radio presents Lime Light: Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun

veryone and their mom may have heard of the Vampire whipping classic Castlevania by now but there was one particular franchise that’s hardly brought up around the gamer water cooler. I’m talking about Kid Dracula from 悪魔城スペシャル ぼくドラキュラくん-Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun of course (which translates into Demon Castle Special: I'm Kid Dracula.) This is all before the count got all full-fledged evil and shit, and managed to spawn a little dude who hops around the world to adorably fight demons to the whimsy of all who play it.

Tune in around Friday, July 19th, at 9:30 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Twitch page or settle in for the stream right here where George and the crew get down on the get down and might have a couple of brews as they get unbearably cute with the fabled Lord of Darkness.

Watch live video from PressPauseRadio on www.twitch.tv


Bullet Heaven Season 3 Premier: Episode 42 - Sky Destroyer

Bullet Heaven is back, and better than ever! In this episode, we welcome Player 2, Daeruna, to the fray and check out an old Famicom Classic, Sky Destroyer, released in 1985 by Taito.

Did you like what you saw here today? Comments, questions and suggestiosare not only welcome, ut encouraged! If you want to support Bullet Heaven, be sure to check out the newly released Bullet Heaven: The Original Tracks, composed by yours truly. For just $7, you get 13 awesome fan-favorite tracks and as a bonus, wallpapers and the Art of Bullet Heaven digital art book!

Visit http://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com to purchase it today!

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