Entries in Taito (11)


Bullet Heaven #318 - G-Darius HD

We've played a lot of Darius in the last couple of years but it's not over yet; Inin Games is back with yet another updated Darius release and this time, it's one of the series' best. G-Darius HD is up next on Bullet Heaven.


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Late to the Party: The Ninja Saviors - Return of the Warriors

aito was doing crazy things with multi-screened arcades games in the late 80's. Already having released the three-screen-wide Darius to arcades in 1987, they would release a double monitored brawler known as The Ninja Warriors the same year, which would get a sequel on the Super NES in 1994. It's this game that Taito and ININ Games have released to the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch as The Ninja Saviors- Return of the Warriors.

Ninjas are cool, but cybernetic ones are even cooler, and the same team that brought us the revamped Wild Arms Reloaded definitely knows what’s up when bringing classic (and impossibly expensive) titles from the 16-bit era to the modern stage. As a side-scrolling brawler, Return of the Warriors is definitely an engaging title, one that's more involved than many of the brawlers we've played in the past. Taking place over eight lengthy stages, players into this specific game time are in for a real good time.

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QCF: Bubble Bobble 4 Friends (Switch)

t the time of this review, many have found video games to be a way to escape the uncertainty and harshness of an ever-changing structure in society. What has surprised me, however, is how video games and sharing that passion to those that may not have had any interest in the past can take our minds off that stress and uneasiness, if even for just a little bit. I have a bit of familiarity with the protagonists of Bubble Bobble 4 Friends, mostly from the spin-off Puzzle Bobble but I did not spend too much time with the Taito titles from decades ago. This current iteration published by ININ Games does a great service to fans of those original entries while introducing the series to a new audience, myself and various members of my family included. Although there are some features and additions to the gameplay that are lacking, I am glad that this title and the cooperative nature it promotes is available to enjoy while we adjust to finding entertainment in the comfort of our homes.

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 198 - Space Invaders Extreme (Steam Ver.)

In episode 153, we took a look at Space Invaders Extreme on the PSP. We preferred it to its DS counterpart due to its excellent prenestation. But now, Degica Games and Taito have retweaked this great game for the 40th anniversary of Space Invaders (and the 10th for Extreme itself!) resulting in what could be the best Space Invaders game ever crafted. How does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 162 - Dariusburst CS CAVE DLC Pack

Dariusburst is STILL trucking along with great DLC!! In wave three, we take a look at three new ships and new stages based on bullet hell shooters from the legendary Cave! How does it stack up?   

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 154 - Night Striker S

ow here's a game that Ser has been just itching to play ever since he got a small, tiny taste of its flavour in the Dariusburst CS Taito DLC back in Episode EX24. In this episode of Bullet Heaven HD, we take a look at the first 3D scaling-type shooting game to be featured in Bullet Heaven: Taito and VING's Night Striker S! How does it stack up?

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Bullet Heaven EX, Episode 24 - Dariusburst CS DLC: Taito Pack

n episode 143 of Bullet Heaven HD, we took a look at the massive Dariusburst CS, which boasted an incredible 3000+ stages and wide array of ships. With three more new ships (of a total of six) now playable in an all-new mode which, in itself, has over 100 more stages over the course of three DLC packs, just how does this DLC stack up?

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 127 - Space Invaders '91

n episode 68 of Bullet Heaven HD, we took a look at Space Invaders: Day of Resurrection on the PC Engine. Released in 1990, it was one of two Space invaders games released that year to home consoles; the other was Space Invaders '90 on the Sega Megadrive. Seeing release on the Sega Genesis in North America the following year, just how does Space Invaders '91 stack up?  

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