QCF: Bubble Bobble 4 Friends (Switch)
t the time of this review, many have found video games to be a way to escape the uncertainty and harshness of an ever-changing structure in society. What has surprised me, however, is how video games and sharing that passion to those that may not have had any interest in the past can take our minds off that stress and uneasiness, if even for just a little bit. I have a bit of familiarity with the protagonists of Bubble Bobble 4 Friends, mostly from the spin-off Puzzle Bobble but I did not spend too much time with the Taito titles from decades ago. This current iteration published by ININ Games does a great service to fans of those original entries while introducing the series to a new audience, myself and various members of my family included. Although there are some features and additions to the gameplay that are lacking, I am glad that this title and the cooperative nature it promotes is available to enjoy while we adjust to finding entertainment in the comfort of our homes.