Entries in MOBA (2)


PAX Prime 2013: uncovering Secret Ponchos

he fine folks at Switchblade Monkeys are huge fans of Spaghetti Westerns, evident in their upcoming PS4 release Secret Ponchos. The intense gunfights and chaotic duels of the Wild West are brought into the arena as players compete in single and cooperative modes to became the most feared outlaw. This blend of MOBA style maps, twin stick shooter controls and fighting game balancing sounds complicated on paper, but after spending time with the game we are happy to report that it is done with expert precision.

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QCF: Awesomenauts

What the heck is a MOBA? Well, apparently it stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena". I learned something today, because it just so happens to be exactly what Awesomenauts is.

Developed by Romino Games and published by DTP on XBLA and PSN, Awesomenauts is basically an 80's-Cartoon-themed, side-scrolling, run-and-gun-styled online demolition match. Sounds... well, awesome, right? Woah there, just settle in for a bit. We'll get to how awesome this game is in a second. As for anyone looking for an in-depth single player campaign with an involved story? You need not apply. The extent of your single player experience will literally be practice stages versus bots in preparation for actual online play and for the most part, the experience is identical.

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