Entries in Online (2)


QCF: Pokémon X/Y

or the last seventeen years, a series that hinged so much on its formulaic design has not only gone on to endure, but prosper and become one of the most successful properties in media today. The sixth generation of the Pocket Monsters made it’s very first simultaneous debut across the world on the Big N’s new edition of the iconic dual-screened pocket-sized game box, and well, it’s still sort of a big deal.

I’ll be honest with you guys, the previous iteration didn’t impress me in the slightest, it had the exact opposite effect—a sentiment that’s argued even among the most dedicated of fans of its respective community. However, The latest X and Y installment in the Pokémon dynasty is different.

Instead of pandering to systematically compulsory reaction of shoving new monsters and gimmicks to the fold—X and Y tone it down and balance it out with some of the sharpest refinements the formula yet, making it both, the most appealing and the most polished to enter the fold.

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QCF: Awesomenauts

What the heck is a MOBA? Well, apparently it stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena". I learned something today, because it just so happens to be exactly what Awesomenauts is.

Developed by Romino Games and published by DTP on XBLA and PSN, Awesomenauts is basically an 80's-Cartoon-themed, side-scrolling, run-and-gun-styled online demolition match. Sounds... well, awesome, right? Woah there, just settle in for a bit. We'll get to how awesome this game is in a second. As for anyone looking for an in-depth single player campaign with an involved story? You need not apply. The extent of your single player experience will literally be practice stages versus bots in preparation for actual online play and for the most part, the experience is identical.

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