QCF: Peggle 2
he science of a sequel is a tricky one; delivering too much of the same results in recycled content that’s poised to lose the pop of its series signature assets—deviating too far from the set formula with new features or style though risks a game into becoming something that fans may not even recognize with the intended brand.
Finding the right balance when developing the follow-up to an established success are the necessary pains within their ass that the developers undergo to ensure that the next entry in the line is a worthy one to the name—Popcap approaches Peggle 2 with the right attitude, but the final effort barely nails the follow-through on the ideal. Which isn’t necessarily bad, but it isn’t exactly an improvement either.
Banking on the infinite simplistic accessibility that’s fueled with instantaneous appeal , it would difficult (to say the least) to expand on Peggle, as one wrong change could easily endanger that crucial hook; Popcap played it safe, but almost a little too safe.