Entries in Reflect... FOOOOOORRCE!! (2)


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 96 - RefleX

yu-Media is back with one of the finest Doujin shooting titles Steam has ever seen! RefleX is the second part of the Tale of Alltynex Series from renowned Doujin group Siter Skain and offers slick shooting goodness with simple gameplay and scoring mechanics. But how does it stack up?


Gamers Gate 
Rice Digital 

NEW MUSIC BY SER FLASH! The 4th Album, Meteoric, is on sale now for just $7! Support Bullet Heaven HD!

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Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 87 - Giga Wing & Giga Wing 2

he Sega Dreamcast was (and still is) a pretty amazing system with a decent wealth of shooting games within its awesome library. Giga Wing kicked them all off and even saw a Dreamcast sequel (Giga Wing 2) a year later. How do they stack up? 

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