Entries in what are we getting ourselves into (2)


PPR AfterHours: Catching up before PAX

e’re off to the first day of PAX Prime 2013 y’all, but before we go, why don’t we give you guys a new podcast to listen to? This is the official Afterhours debut and hell, we figured we would use it to catch up on some nonsense like all of the shit that happened while we were on our break from the site. George moved to a new house, broke his toes in the process, and found love again, while Andrew was getting shitty in Las Vegas—oh, and we even talk about some of the video games we’ve been playing too…

Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today, follow us on our new Twitch page, mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well! Also, if you guys have any specific requests or feedback, be sure to email us at mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and if you guys are going to be there then don't be shy -- come say hello!

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PPR Anniversary episode voter poll

his Saturday is going to be a big day for us people; it’ll be 4 amazing fucking years since we launched Press Pause Radio. Last year, we chose to record commentary for the cinematic classic, The Wizard; with a drinking game on top—we’re going to make that very same mistake again this year, and this time, we’re giving you guys the choice. We’ve made it pretty easy, all you have to do is vote in this incredibly convenient poll, and determine which particular film will play as we record all the horrible choices we’re going to make watching it, and this is for your entertainment folks. We’ll be checking the results this Friday night so get at us!

Which Movie should be feature presentation for Press Pause Radio's four year anniversary special?

So the votes have it, we're going to be recording commentary for the notoriously awful 1993 film, Super Mario Bros.-The Movie. Directed by the fickle husband/wife duo Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel, the movie exists as a scar in everyone of our childhoods be it the terrible acting or the criminally liberal take on the lore of the Japanese video game icon, this movie is an abortion pure and simple. It gets better though folks because not only will we be recording commentary, we'll be playing the officially recognized drinking game for this dog turd of a film, here are the rules for you folks...

Every time that Mario and/or Luigi refer to each other by name or mention Daisy, take a drink.
Whenever “the rock” is mentioned (or meteorite), take a drink.
Anytime the bob-omb appears randomly, take a drink.
Every time there is a forced reference to the Super Mario games, take a drink.
Every time, the “fungus” is shown on screen (you know which one), take a drink.
Everytime the ‪Devo Machine‬ is used to make someone evolve or de-evolve, take a drink.
Whenever it is mentioned, or Mario and Luigi use their plumbing skills, take a drink.