Entries in awesome (4)


PAX Prime 2014: Getting intimate with Far Cry 4

hen Far Cry 3 first hit the scene, it was the sequel that few were excited for, and the surprise experience that no one ever expected when it eventually became a sleeper hit. Ubisoft Montreal was quick to chase the lucky break of possibly striking lightning twice, by ostensibly amplifying the all too familiar ingredients of its predecessor to a level that further pushes technical limits, and any remaining suspension of disbelief left in the brand to boot.

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QCF: Trigger Happy Havoc: Danganronpa

he pressure of succeed in your adult life in today’s society gets stacked thicker by the year, and this generation—it’s palpable. So naturally, any opportunity to attend a private school that only accepts the best and the brightest in exchange for guaranteed success in life would be a stupid one to pass up right? Fifteen individuals thought that, and it’s a shame too, because unbeknownst them and the impression of the prospect of their enrollment, it will be the worst decision of their lives.

The Vita hasn’t pulled any punches lately, and with both, tenured third-parties advocating the hardware alongside Sony welcoming fresh and bold ideas from independent developers, the variety in its library has gotten pretty juicy. Giving the title a chance, Nis America brought to the portable underdog, the bizarrely Japanese murder mystery thriller Danganronpa under the card of Trigger Happy Havoc, and well, lets us just say...that the Ace Attorney series will have some serious competition after this series picks up the steam it’ll get from the direction it’s heading in.

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Life Through The Pixel Glass: Long Fall Boots

Oh. My. God.

Harpo-Exe made these amazing boots for his girlfriend but if you're like me and want to snag a pair of them for yourself you can email him at jaredselllers@gmail.com. He'll make them for you for about $150.00! To check out more angles of these babies just click here!


New Shirt to help Japan is available for Pre-order!

With the natural disasters that have occurred recently within Japan, it's not just a matter of assisting a nation that has had such an impact on the industry we cherish, but to come together and help our fellow man. 

Press Pause Radio has taken the initiative to create a new shirt within it's store line-up that was created for that very sole purpose of gathering any money that we can to assist our friends in the east. The shirt as you can see, carries a bold statement, but it is a statement that speaks volumes towards a sentiment of proving that our culture is much more than an oblivious bunch too concerned withing the scope of their own "first-world problems."

Pre-orders are available now by visiting our store at presspauseradio.com or you can click here. The shirts with shipping included are $20 total and will shipped out no later than May 19th, 2011. We encourage all of our fans to join up in arms and pledge any help we can towards the land of the rising sun with a bitchin' shirt to spread the message!