PPR Presents Extra Life 2017: Sonic Mania & more!

t’s that time of year again, and as we gradually approach the holidays, it’s important to remember that this season isn’t easy for everyone, especially children with health issues. So, with that said, Press Pause Radio is proud to be part of the annual Extra Life charity event for 2014.
We’re on a mission to lend our voices and minds to help the children in this year’s Extra Life Charity, and we need you. By tuning in, and watching us stream one of the most classic RPG’s of all time, Chrono Trigger on the SNES, for 24 hours straight. We humbly ask for your donation towards the Children's Hospital of Central California.
On November 7th, 2015, Press Pause Radio will be participating in this huge worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers of all kinds from video games to board games and tabletop RPG's!
So here’s how you can help. Watch the stream here or on our Twitch page, and then visit us here on Extra Life and donate anything you can for the kids—your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids, so help us get there folks. The more you donate, the more leverage you get for any stupid, dumb, (but reasonable) you might have for George to do in, or out of Chrono Trigger, for 24 hours. Again, any help that you’re willing to donate is greatly appreciated, and will all go to a great cause! Thank you, get started on donating and catch us here on Nov. 7th!
t’s that time of year again, and as we gradually approach the holidays, it’s important to remember that this season isn’t easy for everyone, especially children with health issues. So, with that said, Press Pause Radio is proud to be part of the annual Extra Life charity event for 2014.
We’re on a mission to lend our voices and minds to help the children in this year’s Extra Life Charity, and we need you. By tuning in, and watching us stream one of the most classic RPG’s of all time, Final Fantasy III on the SNES, for 24 hours straight. We humbly ask for your donation towards the Children's Hospital of Central California.
On October 25th, 2014, Press Pause Radio will be participating in this huge worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers of all kinds from video games to board games and tabletop RPG's!
So here’s how you can help. Watch the stream here or on our Twitch page, and then visit us here on Extra Life and donate anything you can for the kids—your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids, so help us get there folks. The more you donate, the more leverage you get for any stupid, dumb, (but reasonable) you might have for George to do in, or out of Final Fantasy III, for 24 hours. Again, any help that you’re willing to donate is greatly appreciated, and will all go to a great cause! Thank you, get started on donating and catch us here on Oct. 25th!
ll too often, uninformed pundits and the general populace believe almost too entirely that nothing good can come of video games. Although there are several studies to the contrary, there seems to be a general consensus among the ignorant; video games invariably lead to brain rot, obesity and violent behaviour. However, over the weekend one man proved without a doubt that there is all kinds of good to come out of gaming as well.
e’re on a mission to lend our voices and minds to help the children in this year’s Extra Life Charity, and we need you. By watching us stream one of our favorite Legend of Zelda titles for 24 hours straight, we humbly ask for your donation towards the Children's Miracle Network for the kids of Central California.
On November 3rd, 2013, Press Pause Radio will be participating in this huge worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers of all kinds from video games to board games and tabletop RPG's!
So here’s how you can help. Watch the stream here or on our Twitch page, and then visit us here on Extra Life and donate anything you can for the kids-- Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids, so help us get there folks. The more you donate, the more you dictate how George and the gang play so get in on this because not only will you be able to subject us to whatever you want in Wind Waker for 24 hours, it’ll all go to a great cause! Thank you, get started on donating and catch us here on Nov 3rd!
With the natural disasters that have occurred recently within Japan, it's not just a matter of assisting a nation that has had such an impact on the industry we cherish, but to come together and help our fellow man.
Press Pause Radio has taken the initiative to create a new shirt within it's store line-up that was created for that very sole purpose of gathering any money that we can to assist our friends in the east. The shirt as you can see, carries a bold statement, but it is a statement that speaks volumes towards a sentiment of proving that our culture is much more than an oblivious bunch too concerned withing the scope of their own "first-world problems."
Pre-orders are available now by visiting our store at presspauseradio.com or you can click here. The shirts with shipping included are $20 total and will shipped out no later than May 19th, 2011. We encourage all of our fans to join up in arms and pledge any help we can towards the land of the rising sun with a bitchin' shirt to spread the message!