Entries in shirt (1)


New Shirt to help Japan is available for Pre-order!

With the natural disasters that have occurred recently within Japan, it's not just a matter of assisting a nation that has had such an impact on the industry we cherish, but to come together and help our fellow man. 

Press Pause Radio has taken the initiative to create a new shirt within it's store line-up that was created for that very sole purpose of gathering any money that we can to assist our friends in the east. The shirt as you can see, carries a bold statement, but it is a statement that speaks volumes towards a sentiment of proving that our culture is much more than an oblivious bunch too concerned withing the scope of their own "first-world problems."

Pre-orders are available now by visiting our store at presspauseradio.com or you can click here. The shirts with shipping included are $20 total and will shipped out no later than May 19th, 2011. We encourage all of our fans to join up in arms and pledge any help we can towards the land of the rising sun with a bitchin' shirt to spread the message!