Entries in friends (3)



fter our amazing meet and greet at GameWorks last night, we decided to record the official PAX podcast of Press Pause Radio, and it’s a doozy. We were humbled by our friends and special guests joining the record, The Sunken Treasures crew, Aaron and Sara, and another close friend of the show, and 1UP alumni, Ben Bizzle. This show includes Sexy talk, Seagrams, indie games galore, and irrational hatred for Rare.

Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today, follow us on our new Twitch page, mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well! Also, if you guys have any specific requests or feedback, be sure to email us at mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and if you guys are going to be there then don't be shy -- come say hello!

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QCF: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

This Review was Freelanced by Cody Winn; you can find his other work here.

f there's one thing that really impresses me as a gamer, it's when a developer gives me control of their game world; lent trust and the magical brush of creation, or even just modification, I become obsessed for months on end, singing the game's praises and praising the game's every pixelated inch. With a game like Animal Crossing: New Leaf, I control my destiny -- even if it comes at the price of being monetarily enslaved by a raccoon.

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Press Pause Radio at PAX East 2013

t's another year, and you guys know what that means? It's another year for events and conferences, including one of our personal favorites: PAX East. From Friday to Sunday we'll be covering a myriad of games and events ranging from indie to blockbuster, and we'll give you the latest and greatest out of PAX East. We're still building our schedules for the event, but just to name a few of the games we'll be providing coverage on: Saints Row IV, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Transistor, most of the Indie Megabooth showcase, and so much more. Due to scheduling conflicts we were unable to properly record our usual prologue episode for PAX East 2013, but we plan on making up for it with a huge podcast come Saturday night. Be on the lookout for it!

If you guys have any specific requests or feedback, be sure to email us at mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and if you guys are going to be there then don't be shy -- come say hello! We're also covering GDC next week, so watch for that as well!

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