PPR Presents Game Fest: League of Legends
ey y’all, the last Game Fest didn’t necessarily go according to plan considering that we chose the one night that Blacklight Retribution was getting server maintenance (we will be revisiting this one again folks, don’t fret) but we’re ready to give it another go! This time however, we’re going to be playing a game that’s been requested for us to play the most with you guys; League of Legends. Some of us are completely new and I’m sure everyone else will have fun at our expense or get annoyed…or both! Either way, Check out the stream that Toast will be hosting right here or on our Twitch if you’re not down to join and for those who are; you can prep for the event it’ll be coming together Friday, May 10th, at 7:00 PM Pacific time. In case you were wondering, here are the minimum requirements to play League of Legends.
- 2 GHz processor
- 1 GB RAM (Windows Vista and 7 users will want 2 GB of RAM or more)
- 8 GB available hard disk space
- Shader version 2.0 capable video card
- Support for DirectX v9.0c or better
- Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. (Mac Minimum System Requirements can be found here: https://support.leagueoflegends.com/entries/23260481-Mac-Minimum-System-Requirements)