Entries in Online Multiplayer (3)


PPR Limelight: Totally Reliable Delivery Service


ith the current state of society and our everyday lives changing, our only way to combat the feelings of uneasiness and stress is for our site to do something we've not done in like six years. That's right, we will be streaming on Twitch tonight! We should be (maybe) live around 8 pm EST jumping into the upcoming title Totally Reliable Delivery Service from We're Five Games and tinyBuild on the Epic Game Store. Hope to see you there!


QCF: Monster Hunter: World

This review was freelanced by Jon McAnally. You can find more reviews and articles written by him over at https://dontfeedthegamers.com/author/jonmcanally/Follow me on the Twitterverse @McAnallyJon

apcom's Monster Hunter franchise has been around for a couple decades now, dating back to the PlayStation 2 days. The series has more popularity in Japan, but there has always been a fan base here in the States. The latest entry into the series, Monster Hunter: World has caught the attention of seasoned veterans as well as curious newcomers. Since its announcement, the title has delivered some spectacular trailers boasting countless hours of intense, high-action hunts, all in a semi-open world setting. So, does the latest title in the series live up to the hype—In short, yes.

Those not familiar with the franchise need only know that the title explains the general premise of the games. Hunt monsters. Not only do you get to hunt and slay these titanic beasts, but you also get to carve them up to use their hides, claws, and bones to craft weapons and armor. In essence, if you're looking to craft some fire-resistant armor, take down some fire-breathing wyverns, skin them, and you'll have yourself some flame retardant armor in no time.

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QCF: Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite

hange is ever constant in anything and everything we do, and that sentiment couldn’t be more apparent than the latest installment to Capcom’s Versus series, Marvel Versus Capcom Infinite.

While the previous entry was able to exercise a surprising amount of creative control within the aftermath of Disney’s startling acquisition of Marvel, the landscape is now far more different than it was six years ago, and the Comic Publisher’s ongoing licensing struggles have made their way into the development of the sequel.

To top that off, the recent resurgence of the fighting game craze in the mainstream from games like Killer Instinct Season 3, Injustice 2, and Pokken Tournament DX have raised the bar for on what the fans of the genre anticipate out of new releases, especially when it comes to the pedigree expected out of something like the Capcom Versus Series.

With the odds seemingly stacked against development, the direction of Infinite shifted, seemingly geared more towards accessibility, and a new narrative-heavy approach that emphasized all the zany fan-service that Capcom could squeeze out of the crossover.

The end result makes for a competent entry that manages to introduce a few compelling new concepts, but ultimately plays it way too safe with everything else, delivering an experience that leaves a lot more to be desired.

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